Council Minutes
for April 2, 2024, approved
Council President Paul Ruane called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Mr. Ortiz offered an Invocation.
Roll Call
Council members present were Mr. Paul Ruane, Dr. Denise Guilbault, Mr. Elijah Scretching, Mr. Timothy Botts, Mr. Frank Wetzel, Mr. Winston Ortiz and Mr. Charles Stroup. Others present were Mr. Jeremy Deitrick, Wastewater Superintendent; Mr. David Johnston, Streets Supervisor; Mr. C.L. Kriner, Police Chief; and Ms. Ann Zartman, Borough Manager.
Changes to the Agenda requiring a vote
No changes were made that required a vote.
Public Comment on Agenda Items
No public comments on agenda items were made.
Council Meeting Minutes
Dr. Guilbault made a motion to accept the January, February and March 2024 council minutes. Mr. Botts seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Mayor’s Report
President Ruane read the report on the activity of the Police Department for the month of March. The police issued 20 traffic and 3 non-traffic citations, and 120 parking tickets. They responded to 206 calls for service, made 14 court appearances and trained for 29 hours. Several people were arrested for the misdemeanor and felony crimes of Flight To Avoid Apprehension, Hindering Apprehension, Deceptive Business Practices, Persons Not To Possess A Firearm, Criminal Trespass, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Intimidation of a Witness, and DUI. The police responded to 26 assist calls for the month; 10 to Point Township, 11 to Sunbury, and 5 to other agencies. Milage for the month was 1,419.
Sewer Department Report
Mr. Stroup made a motion for payment of Kenyon Pipeline Inspection LLC payment application #7 for $101,191.50. Mr. Wetzel seconded the motion, all approved. Motion carried.
Street Department Report
Mr. Johnston reported that brush pick is set to start this month until October, according to the No Parking ordinance.
NEIC Report
Ms. Jackie Hart of NEIC reported for the month of March 2024: three (3) zoning permits were issued and $150.00 in zoning permit fees were collected; one (1) council meeting was attended by Ms. Jackie Hart; one (1) building permits were issued, and $104.50 in building permit fees collected; two (2) complaints and three (3) code violations were lodged and reviewed; three (3) Quality of Life tickets were issued; two (2) street cut permits were issued, resulting in $1,725.00 in fees collected. Sixteen (16) rental properties were inspected and $12,450.00 in inspection/license fees collected.
Committee Reports
Community Development
Mr. Scretching requested a Riverboat update from Mr. Stroup. Mr. Stroup reported that a clean-up was held on March 23th; attended by boy scouts and the public. The next clean-up will by April 6th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Society is hoping for volunteers. On Thursday March 28th, the Riverboat Society met with the contractors. Bids will be opened and awarded on April 9th. Construction of the trench could start as early as April 10th, and it’s anticipated to be completed by May 17th, trying to coordinate with the opening of Lake Augusta. They’re also planning a controlled burn with the Fire Department on April 9th. Ms. Zartman commented that there are logs and a tree down by the pavilion available free for the taking as fire wood.
Mr Botts made a motion to approve Resolution C-2024 to reduce the required member contributions for calendar year 2024 from five percent (5%) to one and five-tenths percent (1.5%) and retroactively for the calendar year 2023 from 5 percent (5%) to one and five-tenths percent (1.5%). Dr. Guilbault seconded. All approved, motion passed.
Mr. Botts made a motion to approve Resolution D-2024 to open a checking account for the purposes of receiving donations and paying for the TNR program as arranged with the PA SPCA and providing for a debit card associated with the account. Dr. Guilbault seconded. All approved, motion carried.
No activity.
Public Safety
Mr Wetzel made a motion to approve the following street closures due to events: Fifth St from Orange St to King St, and King St from Brickyard Ave to Fifth St. on July 27th, 2024 for the Norry Hookies 150th Celebration; King st from 2nd St to Front, around the King Street Park from 7 to 8 pm every Monday in June through August 2024; 2nd St from Orange to Sheetz on August 3rd for Lemonade Day; King Sts around King Street Park, Orange from 2nd to 7th, 7th to Queen, Queen to Front, Front to King on October 30th for the Halloween Parade; 200 Block of Front St for the Norry Block Party on September 1st; King St around King Street Park for the Touch a Truck on June 1st and King Street on the Church side from Front to Second including Park Avenue on April 27th, with a rain date of May 4th for the Outdoor Spring Joy event. Included in the motion is to approve the lifting of Northumberland Borough Code Book Chapter 21, Alcoholic Beverages, on July 27th, 2024 only for the Norry Hookies 150th Celebration/Block Party, for the following streets Fifth St from Orange St to King St, and King St from Brickyard Ave to Fifth St. and on September 1st only for the Norry Block Party for the 200 Block of Front St. Mr. Botts seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Mr. Wetzel made a motion to accept the resignation of Herb Gottshall from the position of Emergency Management Coordinator. Mr. Scretching seconded. All approved, motion carried. Mr. Wetzel also noted that if anyone with EMA knowledge who is interested in the position, we will be accepting applications.
He also noted that the Fire Department will be sending out their yearly fundraising letter later this month.
Dr. Guilbault noted that the committee met with Mr. Frank Grumbine, Central PA Community Preservation Coordinator, PA Historical & Museum Commission. The meeting was informational on historic districts. The information will be reviewed in anticipation of proceeding and getting the residents involved in historic district regulations.
Dr. Guilbault made a motion to approve Resolution E-2024 opposing Encina Fort Union, LLC’s Proposed Pyrolysis Petrochemical Facility in Point Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. Mr. Stroup seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Mr. Stroup requested the streets involved in the Historic District from Dr. Guilbault. Dr. Guilbault mentioned Priestley Ave, Front Street, and King Street up to 4th Street. Dr. Guilbault also mentioned that additional structures can be added. Ms. Zartman mentioned that the district is outlined on the Zoning Map on our website.
Mr. Ortiz mentioned that we are buying a larger new trailer to lessen the work load of the department, which is the budget. Mr. Ruane mentioned that on April 16th at 6:30 pm; bids will be opened for the Queen St Project. The Queen St Project involves 2nd to 7th, installing new curbs, new storm drains and repaved. Stormwater work will also happen at 7th and Orange; and 4th Street from Queen to Duke. Paving this year will include Susquehanna Road from Strawbridge to Empress Tree Lane, and Sawmill from Wallace to Orange.
Old Business
The 200 block of Front Street into a one-way Street going north is still in the hands of PennDOT. PennDot must approve the change first. If they approve the change, then the council will make the final decision.
New Business
Mr. Wetzel made motion to approve Paula Seebold’s request for a handicap sign at 545 Hanover St. Mr. Ortiz seconded; all approved, motion carried.
Mr. Wetzel commented that there is a handicap parking spot at King and 3rd, on the south side on the corner, in front of a property that has been sold. The sign can be removed.
Mr. Wetzel inquired about the sink hole on Hanover St., at the Little League field. Mr. Johnston replied that they are looking into it, at the moment they do not know the extent of the issue.
Payment of Bills
Mr. Ruane mentioned a correction of the invoice from I. Ray Zimmerman, should be $342.82. Ms. Zartman commented that the total is correct. Mr. Wetzel made a motion for the payment of bills; Dr. Guilbault seconded. All approved, motion passed. Bills to be paid from the General Fund totaled $54,273.04; and Sewer Department bills totaled $309,992.52.
Public Comment
Rick Dandes questioned that in putting together the Encino resolution was the regional economic impact considered. Dr. Guilbault commented that they considered the points that would be harmful to the residents. An audience member thanked the Borough Council for their leadership on the Encino resolution and for setting an example of making the safety of residents and our community as a whole important. Dr. Guilbault commented it was a group effort.
Mr. McPherson questioned the junk yard on Westway. Ms. Hart responded that they finally found the tenant, and the tenant is working on removing the items. Mr. McPherson is concerned that a child may get hurt, as they play on the dirt pile. Ms. Hart responded that they are working on it. Mr. McPherson also commented that its attracting animals, and they are starting to put appliances on site.
Mr. Harry Lewis, VP of Joseph Priestley House. It’s the 250th anniversary of the discovery of oxygen. JP House will be having various events that the public is invited to attend or participate. There is a parallel town in England also celebrating the discovery.
Mr. Napp commented that the streets haven't been cleaned in quite some time; and it reflects badly on the community. Mr. Johnston commented that the sweep cleaner is now back from maintenance, and the operator is still out on workman’s compensation leave. A discussion issued on the storm drains and on the No Parking Ordinance. Ms. Zartman mentioned that committees are there to discuss these issues, and residents are encouraged to attend and bring their concerns to the committees.
A resident inquired as to whether there is an Encino update. Dr. Guilbault commented that no updates have been received but that as it’s not in our municipality we would not. A discussion issued amongst the attendees.
Executive Session
Borough Council entered into an executive session at 7:16 p.m. for the purpose of discussing Borough Property. No action is planned. Council returned at 7:38 pm.
Mr. Wetzel moved to adjourn, everyone seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Zartman
Borough Secretary