Committees are intended to be the forum for discussion. Issues that require discussion by the entire council are then brought to the council by the appropriate committee preferably during work sessions. Any issues requiring official action are then presented as a recommendation to the council at a formal meeting.
This method eliminates extensive discussion during meetings for which minutes are required. For the most part, no action should be taken that has not been brought up at the appropriate committee meeting.
Committees consist of 3 members including the appointed chair. Members are appointed by the Council President.
All meetings, excluding Personnel, are open to the public; and are required to be advertised. Committees also generally follow Robert's Rules of Order. Quorums are required at committee meetings for action to be taken.
Attendance by other council members does not constitute a quorum. Committees meet monthly, as needed at 6:30 pm unless noted.
Community Development – 2nd Monday
Oversees all Borough property and recreation
2022: Kaitlyn Simmons, Chairperson; Denise Guilbault; Winston Ortiz
Finance – 4th Tuesday
Oversees the Borough administration, finance, legal services, and tax collection
2022: Timothy Botts, Chairperson; Frank Wetzel; Denise Guilbault
Personnel – Meets in closed meetings
Manages the Borough employees, the commission and board appointments, contracts and contract negotiations, and disciplinary issues.
2022: Frank Wetzel, Chairperson; Paul Ruane; Chuck Stroup
Public Safety – 3rd Tuesday, 6:00 pm
Addresses safety issues throughout the Borough and works with the Police, EMA, Emergency Services Board and Fire Department
2022: Winston Ortiz, Chairperson; Kaitlyn Simmons; Timothy Botts
Rules – 3rd Monday
Reviews existing and pending Borough laws and makes recommendations to the full council for new ordinances, resolutions, and policies, as well as amendments to the current laws.
2022: Denise Guilbault, Chairperson; Timothy Botts, Winston Ortiz
Streets – 2nd Tuesday
Oversees the Borough’s infrastructure, road and storm sewer maintenance, snow removal, street cleaning/maintenance, Borough maintenance facilities, and vehicle & equipment maintenance.
2022: Charles Stroup, Chairperson; Paul Ruane; Kaitlyn Simmons
Sewer –1st Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
Oversees the Borough’s sewer plant facilities, collection system, vehicle & equipment maintenance, and customer agreements.
2022: Paul Ruane, Chairperson; Chuck Stroup; Frank Wetzel N
November meeting is 1st Monday at 6:00 pm
All meetings are held in the 2nd Street Municipal Center, 175 Orange St., North’d PA. at 6:30 p.m. unless noted.
The Borough Council has not (to the best of our knowledge) officially adopted rules of procedure for the transaction of business during official meetings - council or committee. Generally, Robert's Rules of Order apply.