Council Minutes May 7, 2024
Council President Paul Ruane called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Mayor Berard offered an Invocation.
Roll Call: Council members present were Mr. Paul Ruane, Dr. Denise Guilbault, Mr. Elijah Scretching, Mr. Timothy Botts, Mr. Frank Wetzel, Mr. Winston Ortiz and Mr. Charles Stroup. Others present were Mayor Daniel Berard; Ms. Melissa Kelso, Solicitor; Ms. Jackie Hart, NEIC: Mr. Jeremy Deitrick, Wastewater Superintendent; Mr. C.L. Kriner, Police Chief; and Ms. Ann Zartman, Borough Manager.
Changes to the Agenda requiring a vote: No changes requiring a vote.
Public Comment on Agenda Items: Ms. Bogovich questioned the budget printout layout, and was shown the correct place.
Council Meeting Minutes: Dr. Guilbault made a motion to accept the minutes for April 2nd and the Special Meeting on April 16th. minutes. Mr. Wetzel seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Berard read the report on the activity of the Police Department for the month of April. The police responded to 205 calls for service, issued 47 traffic and 2 non-traffic citations, and 153 parking tickets. They made 17 court appearances and trained for 32 hours. Several people were arrested for the misdemeanor and felony crimes of Aggravated Assault, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Simple Assault, Criminal Trespass, Burglary, Theft by Unlawful Taking, and Theft of a Motor Vehicle. The police responded to 29 assist calls for the month; 05 to Point Township, 12 to Sunbury, and 12 to other agencies. Mileage for the month was 1,364.
Mayor Berard read the following proclamation:
EMS Week Proclamation
To designate the Week of May 19 – 25, 2024, as Emergency Medical Services Week.
WHEREAS, emergency medical services is a vital public service; and
WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and
WHEREAS, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and
WHEREAS, emergency medical services has grown to fill a gap by providing important, out of hospital care, including preventative medicine, follow-up care, and access to telemedicine; and
WHEREAS, the emergency medical services system consists of first responders, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, emergency medical dispatchers, firefighters, police officers, educators, administrators, pre-hospital nurses, emergency nurses, emergency physicians, trained members of the public, and other out of hospital medical care providers; and
WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams, whether career or volunteer, engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week; now
THEREFORE, I Daniel J. Berard, Mayor in recognition of this event do hereby proclaim the week of May 19-25, 2024, as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK
The 50th Anniversary of EMS Week theme is EMS WEEK: Honoring Our Past, Forging Our Future, I encourage the residents and visitors to the Borough of Northumberland, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities.
Berard thanked the council for approving the resolution on Encino, as he was
out of town for the April 2nd meeting. The Mayor expressed his opinion on Encino, and feels the resolution carries weight with the public.
Sewer Department Report:
Mr. Stroup commented that we are in need of a on-lot sewage enforcement officer. Mr. Stroup made a motion to pass Resolution F-2024 adopting the fee schedule of for administration of the sewage facilities act and the appointment of sewage officers to issue sewage permits in Northumberland Borough:
Be it resolved by the Borough Council of the Borough of Northumberland that in a stated meeting on the 7th day of May 2024, do hereby appoint Gilbert J. Picarelli (#02291), as Sewage Enforcement Officer and Dominic Picarelli (#03305), and Leah Heine (#03069), as Alternate Sewage Enforcement Officers.
And further be it resolved that the fee schedule for the administration of the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act be adopted as follows:
I Application Fee for all new systems: $250.00
A. This fee entitles the applicant to a site visit investigation, test pit analysis (maximum 4 per lot) and the preparation of the forms associated with the examination of the test pit(s)
B. Any evaluation requiring additional field investigation beyond the initial visits to the site stipulated above will require the following fees:
1. For each additional visit to the site: $125.00
2. For each test pit over four: $25.00
C. If the test pit is not dug or the backhoe with operator is not at the site when the Sewage Enforcement Officer visits the site, will require fees commensurate with time spent as determined by the municipality.
NOTE: All cost and liability associated with the excavation and backfill of the test pit(s) shall be the responsibility of the Applicant.
II Percolation Test: $350.00
A. The fee associated with this portion of the application covers the cost of performing the percolation test which shall be limited to one complete test on six (6) holes and completing the appropriate test report forms stipulated by PA DEP. If additional percolation tests shall be required, this fee shall be repeated for each additional test.
1. The applicant will be responsible for digging the percolation test holes to the depth and size required by the Sewage Enforcement Officer and presoaking of the percolation holes to conduct the test.
2. The applicant will be responsible for supplying sufficient water at the site for the conduction of the tests.
3. If the percolation test holes are not properly prepared by the applicant and tests cannot be conducted, the applicant will be charged a fee commensurate for time spent as determined by the municipality.
III Permit Fee for all single-family residents. This includes one (1) design review and final inspection of the system (two trips): $325.00
NOTE: If additional design reviews and trips to the site are required for inspection the fee will be commensurate with work performed as determined by the municipality.
IV Permit Fee for all multi-family, commercial, institutional or other applications will be based on the size of the disposal system.
1. 150 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft. $325.00
2. 1001 sq. ft. to 2500 sq. ft. $375.00
3. 2501 sq. ft. to 5000 sq. ft. $500.00
4. 5001 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft. $600.00
V Inspection Fees: The cost of final inspection is included in the permit fee. If the system is not ready for inspection when notified, or corrections must be made, will require fees commensurate with the work performed as determined by the municipality.
VI Transfer of application and/or permit $150.00
VII Fee for investigating any on-site sewerage system malfunction (repairs) will require fees commensurate with the work performed as determined by the municipality. If, upon the investigation of the malfunction, the SEO determines that a new on-site sewerage system be installed, soils testing and percolation testing will be performed. Fees for the soils and percolation testing will follow the appropriate fee schedule.
VIII Fee for review of Act 537 planning modules, for all residential, industrial, commercial, institutional and other facilities will required fees commensurate with work performed as determined by the municipality.
IX Permit Fee for Holding Tanks: $250.00
X Permit Fee for repair of on-site sewerage system so long as such application does not involve any of the investigation and design review expenses associated with and implied by Steps I through IV: $200.00
A. For any repair permit that includes a site visitation prior to issuance of a repair permit, an additional $125.00 will be added to the above Permit Fee.
XI Yearly Inspection Fee to inspect any On-site Sewerage System, which requires an inspection: $150.00
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or parts of Resolutions
Inconsistent herewith are expressly repealed
Street Department Report:
Mr. Ortiz have repaired the sink hole on Hanover St by the Little League field. Brush pick-up starts next week. Mr. Wetzel asked when Todd would be coming back, and if not soon can we hire someone to use the street sweeper. Ms. Zartman replied the street sweeper requires a CDL which makes it difficult to hire a part-timer. She mentioned that David Johnston, Street Supervisor, is working on learning how to use the sweeper. However, the manual has disappeared. The office will be searching and downloading one from the internet. Mr. Ruane mentioned that there are pot holes that will be fixed.
NEIC Report: Ms. Jackie Hart of NEIC reported for
the month of April: three (3) zoning permits were issued and $150.00 in zoning
permit fees were collected; one (1) council meeting was attended by Ms. Jackie
Hart; two (2) building permits were
issued, and $264.50 in building permit fees collected; four (4) complaints
lodged and reviewed; nine (9) rental properties were inspected and $3,125.00 in
inspection/license fees collected. The rental fees are collected January through March, therefore the majority of the fees have been collected. The Mayor inquired about the fire damaged house on Duke Street. Ms. Hart was finally able to connect with the owner, and as long as he is continuing to improve that is all we can do. Her co-worker speaks with the owner regularly. Please feel free to call Jackie for any code inquiries. Ms. Zartman commented that Rebekah Kline, the administrative assistant, is well versed on the software.
Committee Reports
Community Development
Mr. Scretching made a motion to approve the Riverboat design plans that were already approved by the planning committee. Mr. Stroup seconded. All approved, motion carried. Ms. Hart requested the four sets of plans be signed by Council President and Borough Manger tonight. Mr. Stroup indicated he would then take them to the courthouse to be recorded by the Recorder of Deeds. Ms. Hart indicated there will be a fee, and the project owner is responsible. One set remains with the recorder and one set is returned to the Borough office.
Finance No Report
Personnel No Report
Public Safety
Mr. Wetzel reported that there is nothing from the meetings with Evangelical and Geisinger last week. Geisinger is waiting for numbers from their property division for rent and when received will forward a proposal. Also that Geisinger is getting closer to signing a purchase agreement with A.R.E.A. Services. Mr. Wetzel asked if the purchase does not go through would Geisinger be interested in continuing with their proposal.
Mr. Wetzel received a event request form from Friends of Priestley House to have a Herb and Native Plant Faire on May 18th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Joseph Priestley House. The event would have vendors for plants, arts and crafts, children's activities, workshops and demonstrations. They are requested restricted parking on Hanover Street on the JP House side for Saturday May 18th, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. No motion is required to restrict the parking. Ms. Zartman will notify them.
Dr. Guilbault made a motion to advertise a change to Code Book Chapter 28 Flood Hazard, which makes a change to administration. Mr. Stroup seconded. All approved. Motion carried.
Mr. Ruane commented that the bids came in on the Queen Street Project from 2nd to 7th. Big Rock was the winning bidder. He also mentioned that Meckley's would be paving Susquehanna Road from Strawbridge to Empress Tree Lane and Sawmill Alley from Wallace to Orange St. Mayor asked if Susquehanna will be closed to traffic. Mr. Ruane commented that yes that will happen as base repairs are required. Meckley's will determine a method to allow evening access.
New Business
Mr. Stroup asked if we filled all the Planning members. Mr. Ruane commented that yes we have.
Payment of Bills
Mr. Wetzel made a motion for the payment of bills; Mr. Stroup seconded. All approved, motion passed. Bills to be paid from the General Fund totaled $216,395.17; and Sewer Department bills totaled $225,160.55.
Public Comment
Mayor Berard reminded everyone about the Memorial Day Parade will be taking place. The parade will start at King Street Park, going up 2nd Street to Orange St to Riverview Cemetery for a ceremony.
Mr. Napp asked for restitution for the sewer damage to his home. He is out $1,047.37 due to a borough mistake. A discussion ensued between Council members and Mr. Napp. Mr. Napp has not heard from anyone. Mr. Deitrick stated a letter was sent to Mr. Napp. Mr. Ruane requested Mr. Napp send a letter to council requesting restitution. A discussion with Mr. Napp ensued regarding the street sweeper, and street employees.
A public attendee seconded what the Mayor said about the Borough Council on the Encino project. He stated that no two weeks later Encino cancelled the Point Township project. He fully believes the resolution contributed to the cancellation.
Adjournment Mr. Stroup moved to adjourn, Dr. Guilbault seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ann Zartman, Borough Secretary
(Approved November 4, 2024)