Council Minutes for November 4, 2024
Council President Paul Ruane called the meeting to order at 6:30 p. m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, Mayor Berard offered an Invocation.
Roll Call
Council members present were Mr. Timothy Botts, Dr. Denise Guilbault, Mr. Paul Ruane, Mr. Elijah Scretching, Mr. Charles Stroup, and Mr. Frank Wetzel. Absent: Mr. Winston Ortiz.
Others present were Mayor Daniel Berard; Ms. Melissa Kelso, Solicitor; Ms. Jackie Hart, NEIC; Mr. Jeremy Deitrick, Wastewater Superintendent; Mr. David Johnston, Streets Supervisor; Mr. C. L. Kriner, Police Chief; Mr. John Apple, Fire Police Captain; Ms. Ann Zartman, Borough Manager.
Public Comment on Agenda Items
No comments.
Council Meeting Minutes
Dr. Guilbault made a motion to accept the council meeting minutes for May 7th, June 6th, July 9th, August 6th, September 3rd, October 1st, and October 21st, 2024. Mr. Stroup seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Berard read the report on the activity of the Police Department for the month of October. The police responded to 248 calls for service, issued 34 traffic and 1 non-traffic citations, and 115 parking tickets. They made 13 court appearances and trained for 38 hours. Several people were arrested for the misdemeanor and felony crimes of Unsworn Falsification, Sale or Transfer of Firearms, Terrorist Threats, Corruption of Minors, Prohibited Acts, Simple Assault, Strangulation, and Criminal Trespass.
The police responded to 29 assist calls for the month; 10 to Point Township, 10 to Sunbury, and 9 to other agencies. Mileage for the month was 1,580.
The Marty Concini Toy Drive will start collecting early with the following unconfirmed locations for toy drop off: Northumberland National Bank, Surplus Outlet, Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library, Pineknotter Brewing Co, and the Borough Office. The need is expected to be greater this year.
The Mayor mentioned that next Monday is Veteran's Day; there will be a ceremony at Riverview Cemetery at 1:00 p.m. He will be doing a proclamation at that time. He passed out cards to the Veterans on council: Mr. Paul Ruane, Mr. Scretching and Mr. Ortiz.
NEIC Report
Ms. Hart of NEIC reported for the month of October. 4 zoning permits were issued and $100.00 in zoning permit fees were collected; Ms. Hart attended 1 council, 1 zoning and 1 planning meeting. 2 building permits were issued, and $1,274.00 in building permit fees collected; 3 complaints and 4 code violations were lodged and reviewed; 2 citations were issued; 1 street cut permit was issued, resulting in $350.00 in fees collected. 9 rental properties were inspected.
Ms. Hart reviewed the results of the zoning and planning meetings for the Central Susquehanna Riverboat Society. The Society was granted an special exception to the zoning regulations on October 23rd. The planning commission met on October 31st, to review the revised plans. The Planning Commission, after careful review and discussion, unanimously granted conditional approval on the plans presented. A discussion was held on the conditions, the bond requirements and the state of the river. Mr. Wetzel made a motion to wave the bond price on the slip, and then stop construction until a bond price is determined, and the plans are reviewed. Additional discussion was held, regarding timing and bond basis, as the plan needs to be registered with the County prior to the start of construction. Mr. Wetzel rescinded his motion. Mr. Stroup made a motion to approve the Central Susquehanna Riverboat Society's plans subject to the engineers and planning commissions comments, excluding the bond requirements. Mr. Ruane, Mr. Scretching, Mr. Stroup, Mr. Wetzel and Mr. Botts voted yes; Dr. Guilbault voted no. Motion carried.
Committee Reports
Community Development
Mr. Stretching reviewed three applications from the Pineknotters Recreational Center to use the gymnasium at the Second Street Community Center: Winter Whirl Gala on December 7th, 4:00 - 9:00 p.m.; Santa Workshop on December 13th, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m., and December 14th, 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; and Chill & Cheer New Years Youth Celebration on December 31st, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.. The event request forms were emailed out to council. The Santa Workshop has a request to close Orange Street in front of the Community Center. The occupancy permit has been received. After a discussion, it was decided that since the management and cost of rental of the gymnasium has not been determined, opening the gymnasium up to use it not appropriate at this time.
Mr. Wetzel reported on a request by Pineknotter Brewing & Millie's to hold a small shoppers event on November 30th from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.. They are requesting the closure of Front Street from Wheatley Avenue to King Street, and for permission to have a horse-drawn hayride. Mr. Wetzel made a motion to approve the closure of Front Street from Wheatley Avenue to King Street on November 30th from 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., and to allow the horse-drawn hayride, provided the organizers clean up after the horses. Mr. Botts seconded. All approved, motion carried. The Mayor questioned the requirement to require approval by council to close roads. He has had closed roads many times without council approval. He is asking for consistency. Ms. Kelso noted that yes a road closure requires council approval. Mr. Wetzel noted that the new forms required for events has a question regarding road closure. The Mayor asked if a request is made for an event between council meetings what should he do. Ms. Kelso stated closures must be approved by council. However, there are emergent circumstances such as a funeral or a safety circumstance where the Chief may authorize the closure of a road.
Mr. Botts made a motion to accept the offer from Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to return or expend on recycling equipment $40,000.00 from the original purchase price of the Recycling Center property, and to accept the bid for $350,000.00 from Mr. Brett Shumaker made on November 6th, 2023 for the purchase of the Recycling Center property. A discussion was held with Mr. Shumaker regarding moving our inventory etc. He commented the Fire Training Center could stay for years, and that he would have no problems with a slow move out. Mr. Stroup seconded. All approved. Motion carried.
Mr. Botts made a motion approve the demolition of the Kiwanis building and the pool building, which is contingent on no asbestos and on photographs being taken of the painted blocks. Mr. Scretching seconded. All approved, motion carried. Mr. Wetzel requested that photographs of the painted blocks in the pool building be taken prior to demotion or use by the Fire Department for training. Mr. Deitrick mentioned the sewer lines will need to be capped. The Kiwanis building will be used by the Fire Department for training and a controlled burn. Ms. Zartman noted that a number of items need to be done first including moving of stored items, capping of the gas lines, and removal of electrical lines. Therefore, it will be winter before it is demolished. Mr. Wetzel??? noted that approval from the state for the controlled burn could take up to three months.
Mr. Botts made a motion to adopt the presented 2025 Budget and to advertise the budget. Dr. Guilbault seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Mr. Botts made a motion to advertise Ordinance B-2024, Tax Levy for the Year 2025. Dr. Guilbault seconded. All approved, motion carried.
The Borough of Northumberland hereby ordains:
Section 1. Tax Levy.
That a tax be and the same is hereby levied upon all real property and taxpayers as defined within the Borough subject to taxation for the fiscal year 2025 as follows:
- Tax Rate for General Revenue Purposes, the sum of 30.0 mils on each dollar of assessed valuation or the sum of $3.00 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.
- Tax Rate for Debt Service is eliminated.
- Tax Rate for Fire Equipment Purposes, the sum of 3.0 mils on each dollar of assessed valuation.
- Tax Rate for Lighting, the sum of 0.6 mils on each dollar of assessed valuation.
- Tax Rate for gambling machines, defined as any device, machine or apparatus used for the playing of poker, blackjack, keno, bingo or other casino games by the insertion therein of any coin, currency, metal disc, slug or token, the sum of $100.00 per gambling machine per calendar year. Such tax shall be payable to the Borough of Northumberland on or before March 30th of each calendar year, or within ten (10) days of installation, by the person or entity possessing or operating said machine or the person or entity realizing a profit therefrom.
Section 2. Discounts.
Pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Local Tax Collection Law, a taxpayer subject to the payment of a tax levy by this Ordinance set forth in 1.1-1.4 above shall be entitled to a discount of 2% from the amount of such tax upon making payment of the whole amount of such tax by or before April 30, 2025.
Section 3. Penalties.
A taxpayer subject to the payment of a tax levy by this Ordinance set forth in 1.1-1.4 who shall fail to make payment of such tax by June 30, 2025, shall be charged a penalty of 10% (which penalty shall be added to the tax by the Tax Collector and shall be collected by the Tax Collector). A taxpayer subject to the payment of a tax levy by this Ordinance set forth in 1.5 above who fails to timely make payment shall be charged a penalty of 10% (which penalty shall be added to the tax by the Tax Collector and shall be collected by the Tax Collector).
Section 4. Effective Date.
This Ordinance and the real estate tax shall take effect on January 1, 2025.
Section 5. Severability.
That any ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with this Ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed insofar as the same affects or is inconsistent with this Ordinance.
Mr. Botts made a motion to accept the Minimum Municipal Obligation for 2025 for pensions. Dr. Guilbault seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Nothing to report.
Public Safety
Mr. Wetzel noted that A.R.E.A. Services has not provided their membership list to either Wellspring/Evangelical Hospital or the Borough. As part of our agreement with Evangelical they will honor the memberships from dates if service September 1st to December 31st, 2024. Their A.R.E.A. membership card is required, and if a telephone number is required just contact. Ms. Zartman. For the 2025 calendar year, Wellspring/Evan memberships fliers will be sent out in the beginning of December or a subscription is available to purchase online. The membership covers up to 10 emergency transports.
The ambulance service has now moved to the Fire Police building as their temporary quarters. However, a carport is necessary to the winter months. Mr. Wetzel noted that he found a few carports that would work. Mr. Wetzel made a motion to purchase a 14' x 20' x 12' enclosed carport from ShelterCoat for $2,800.19 with free shipping. Mr. Scretching seconded. All approved, motion carried.
D.r Guilbault made a motion to advertise the Ordinance amend Vehicles & Traffic, Chapter 58 Section 58.4.03, of the Code book to prohibit parking on Sheetz Avenue from Second to Church Avenue. Mr. Stroup seconded. Mayor Berard questioned what will happen when other residents complain about their alleys or will it be on a case-by-case basis. Mr. Ruane replied that this is a particularly bad case, and the rest will be on a case-by-case basis. All approved, motion carried.
Mr. Johnston commented that leaf pick up has started. Mr. Ruane mentioned that Queen Street will be paved shortly from 2nd to 7th. Mr. Wetzel questioned if the exterior lights have been installed at the Fire Police building. Mr. Johnston replied they were installed.
Mr. Stroup made a motion to purchase 680 phosphate credits from the University Area Joint Authority at $8.50 per credit, for a total of $5,780.00. Mr. Wetzel seconded, all approved, motion carried.
Mr. Stroup made a motion to hire Mr. William Pehowic as a full-time laborer for the Sewer Department, contingent on passing a background test. Mr. Wetzel seconded. All approved, motion carried.
Old Business - none
New Business- none
Payment of Bills
Mr. Wetzel made a motion for the payment of bills; Mr. Botts seconded. All approved, motion passed. Bills to be paid from the General Fund totaled $119,172.19; the ARP Fund $16,735.03; Parking Meter Fund $26.00; and Sewer Department bills totaled $115,747.78.
Public Comment
Mrs. Bogovich asked if the increase in the landlord license fee is included in the budget. Dr. Guilbault replied the fee will be discussed at the Rules Committee meeting.
Mr. Stroup made a motion to adjourn, Mr. Ruane seconded, all approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Zartman
Borough Secretary
(Minutes accepted at the December 3, 2024 council meeting. )