Council Minutes September 3, 2024

Council President Paul Ruane called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and Mr. Ortiz offered an Invocation.

Roll Call

Council members present were Mr. Paul Ruane, Dr. Denise Guilbault, Mr. Elijah Scretching, Mr. Timothy Botts, Mr. Frank Wetzel, Mr. Winston Ortiz and Mr. Charles Stroup. Others present were Ms. Melissa Kelso, Solicitor; Ms. Jackie Hart, NEIC; Mr. David Johnston, Streets Supervisor; Mr. C.L. Kriner, Police Chief; John Apple, Fire Police Captain; and Ms. Ann Zartman, Borough Manager.

Public Comment on Agenda Items

Mrs. Bogovich thanked borough council on the paving of Susquehanna Road; it's beautiful. 

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Berard read the report on the activity of the Police Department for the month of August.  The police responded to 233 calls for service, issued 37 traffic and 05 non-traffic citations, and 88 parking tickets.  They made 23 court appearances and trained for 42  hours.  Several people were arrested for the misdemeanor and felony crimes of Access Device Fraud,  Simple Assault, Receiving Stolen Property, Theft from a Motor Vehicle, Theft by Unlawful Taking,  Unsworn Falsification, Loitering and Prowling at Night.  

The police responded to 33 assist calls for the month; 7 to Point Township,19 to Sunbury, (5 primary) and 2 to other agencies. Mileage for the month was 1,323. 

Mayor Berard requested council approve Emily Webb as a Police Department Intern, as long as her background check passes.  She is a Senior at Bloomsburg University for criminal justice and psychology.  She requests acceptance as an intern for Winter 2024 through Spring 2025.  Mr. Stroup made the motion, Dr. Guilbault seconded.  All approved, motion carried.  

Mayor Berard, as the civilian Chief of Police for the Police Department, is very proud of them all, and thanked them for their service.   He is grateful and honored when he has the opportunity to honor a member of the force. Officer Lauver saved a man’s life on July 9th, 2024.  That in itself was a wonderful thing that he did for this person.  The Mayor provided a little bio of Officer Lauver.  Officer Lauver is married to Pamela for 22 years and have 3 children.  Patrolman Lauver has been with the Borough since 2007, 17 years of service.  He is our certified field training officer; our certified weapons armorer; is a firearms, glove and taser instructor; and is the evidence control officer. In 2023, he started Scrappy's Air Duct cleaning service.  In 2024, Officer Lauver graduated from Central State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice.  Mayor Berard thanked Officer Lauver for all the service he has given to the Borough of Northumberland.

The mayor takes pleasure in presenting this Certificate of Commendation 

to Patrol Officer Matthew Lauver, Northumberland Police Department

for The saving of a life

WHEREAS, Northumberland Borough Police Officer Matthew Lauver has performed meritorious service while on duty for the Borough of Northumberland, PA, its citizens, and the citizens of Point Township and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His actions have saved a life and instilled a sense of safety and security in the community.

WHEREAS, the officer above exhibited the highest levels of law enforcement professionalism on his July 9th, 2024, tour of duty after hearing a dispatch for an unconscious person in Point Township.

WHEREAS, the officer above performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and continued until the automated CPR machine could be placed into service.

WHEREAS, the officer’s actions assisted in saving the life of another. Officer Lauver has earned and does, therefore, deserve this Commendation of life-saving Merit.

The Mayor presented Officer Lauver with a medal and a CPR Save pin for his uniform.

NEIC Report 

Ms. Jackie Hart of NEIC reported for the month of August. 2 zoning permits were issued and $100.00 in zoning permit fees were collected;1 council meeting was attended by Ms. Jackie Hart; 1 building permits were issued, and $112.00 in building permit fees collected; 11 complaints and 11 code violations were lodged and reviewed; 6 Quality of Life tickets were issued; 1 street cut permit was issued, resulting in $350.00 in fees collected. 13 Rental properties were inspected and $1,000.00 in inspection/license fees collected.

Committee Reports

Community Development

Mr. Stretching commented he has nothing new.  


Mr. Botts mentioned the budget is on this month's agenda.

Personnel - no report

Public Safety

Mr. Wetzel stated the block party appears to have gone well.  A.R.E.A. Services left the borough at 9 am Friday, and left the borough without any ambulance service until 7 a.m. Sunday. They did not notify any of the fire captains or local chiefs.  Other ambulance services have been responding to calls.  Since Evangelical went in service, they have been taking calls all over.  A.R.E.A Services did not provide Evangelical with their list of memberships as promised. 

Mr. Wetzel thanked Mr. Nate Boyer for moving the barriers for the block party, and the street crew for clearing out the Rescue building today.


Dr. Guilbault had nothing new.


Mr. Stroup mentioned budget meetings will occur at 1 p.m. on September 9th and 23rd; and October 7th and 28th. Public is welcome. 


Mr. Ortiz made a motion to accept Change Order #2 from Big Rock Paving for $3,501.66 due to discrepancies between the original design and on-site conditions. Mr. Wetzel seconded, all approved. Motion carried.   

Mr. Ortiz made a motion to accept Change Order #3 from Big Rock Paving for $33,572.17 due to the unexpected damage of the sewer laterals. Mr. Stroup seconded. Mayor Berard questioned whether anyone is checking on site when these events occur. Ms. Zartman indicated that PA 1 Calls occur and are responded to by both streets and sewer departments, so are on site.  All approved, motion carried.  

Mr. Ortiz stated that we are now down to two trucks for winter. It is important that we have an additional dump truck for snow storms. Mr. Ortiz made a motion to approve up to $50,000 for a used dump truck from a co-stars participant. Mr. Stroup seconded.  Mr. Wetzel questioned if the money is in the budget.  Mr. Ruane replied no.  Ms. Zartman replied that we can use the remainder of Liquid Fuels equipment allocation, and then get a loan. Mr. Ruane commented that using Liquid Fuels money will cut down on paving.  Dr. Guilbault stated she would be more comfortable discussing it at a finance committee meeting.  Ms. Zartman commented that used trucks are sold fairly quickly and we need to be able to purchase when a suitable one comes up.  Mr. Johnston mentioned that one of the trucks he was looking at has already sold.  Mr. Ruane questioned the plow on the recommended truck.  Mr. Johnston one of our plows would be transferable to the new truck.  Mr. Scretching questioned leasing. Mr. Johnston indicated that was not feasible.  A new truck is over $100,000 and would not be available until next summer, should a grant be procured.  All approved, motion carried. 

Payment of Bills

Mr. Ruane questioned the water bill at King Street Park.  Ms. Zartman referred it to Mr. Johnston.  Mr Johnston could not find a leak, so it appears someone turned it on.  Ms. Zartman thought is was off after Pineknotters Days.  Mr. Johnston will look into a method of locking the pit. Mr. Wetzel made a motion for the payment of bills; Mr. Botts seconded. All approved, motion passed.  Bills to be paid from the General Fund totaled $36,241.84 and Sewer Department bills totaled $141,016.11.

Public Comment

Mrs. Bogovich questioned if A.R.E.A services was paid up.  Ms. Zartman replied she was fairly certain as a two month payment was made in July.   Mrs. Bogovich questioned if the finance meeting was being rescheduled.  Ms. Zartman replied it would not be rescheduled but be at the regular Finance Meeting, and that there should be enough time. Mrs. Bogovich questioned the bills for the Kiwanis building, has nothing been done regarding demolition.  Mr. Ruane stated nothing could be done until it was determined if asbestos was present.  Ms. Hart mentioned a firm in Bloomsburg that she is familiar with that does free estimates.  Mayor Berard mentioned a $35 test on Amazon.  Ms. Hart stated that PA DEP requires a 10-day demolition notification and an asbestos test for commercial buildings.  Ms. Zartman requested Mr. Johnston arrange for the estimate.  Mrs. Bogovich is wondering why the requested budget report is not provided, she has been asking since March.  Ms. Zartman replied that she is working diligently on clearing transactions but wants all the transactions to be accurate.  But since she has over 4,000 transactions to review and is constantly interrupted, it has been taking longer than anticipated. 

Mr. Wetzel inquired for the third time, but now he would like the lights from 5th Street to Front to be moved.  Mr. Johnston replied that those lights cannot be moved, amber lights are required, and have been ordered.  

Council entered an Executive Session for potential litigation, and would not be making any motions upon their return.  Executive session ended at 7:24 p.m.  Meeting was adjourned by a motion by all, and seconded by all.  Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann Zartman, Borough Secretary

(Approved November 4, 2024)