Rental Facilities

  • Have a Party with History
  • Soak up the ambience of the history of the Girl Scouts in Northumberland, PA. The Little House is an ideal location for small meetings and gatherings.
  • On average, 30-40 people can comfortably fit in the Little House.
  • Amenities
    • Tables and chairs are provided.
    • 18 x 30 meeting room
    • Kitchen with microwave and refrigerator
    • Handicap accessible restroom
    • Fully air-conditioned and heated facility
  • Decorations and Candles
  • Generally flowers are placed on the center table and the window sills. Wreaths may be hung on the front doors. Decorations may not be placed on any walls. Electric candles are preferred. All candles must be enclosed in a glass hurricane shade. This includes candles in flower arrangements. If candles do not have a hurricane shade, they may not be lit and/or will be removed from the arrangement. Please notify florist. Utility candles are not permitted in any form.

  • Rental Fees
  • The Little House is an historic building and damage or loss may be irreplaceable. Persons requesting the rental of the premises are responsible for all damage and loss incurred, and for the safety of their guests during and after their event.

    • $100 deposit (refundable)
    • $75 rental fee

The below facilities are available for rent:

  • King Street Park Gazebo
  • Pineknotter Park Pavilion
  • Second Street Playground Pavilion

The fee for each is $50, with a $50 refundable security deposit.

Available for rent through the Borough Office.

Second Street Community Center Savidge Room

The Savidge Room is available for rent. The rental of this room includes use of a full kitchen. Fees for the rental are $200 with a $200 refundable security deposit. For more information, or to rent this room, please contact the Borough Office.